When it comes to savings, we’re different. You’re not just saving for yourself, you are investing in helping your fellow members to borrow for anything from a new kitchen to a holiday and everything in between.
Every €1 saved is the equivalent to a single share. You can save any amount as often as you wish. You may save by direct debit through your bank, or simply call into our office anytime. Your shares will build up quickly, and at the end of the financial year, every member may be entitled to a dividend, based on the number of shares they hold.
You can withdraw your savings at any time, although a minimum balance of €6.35 is necessary to maintain your membership. That said, if you need money, we would encourage you to take out a loan and keep your savings intact. This will ensure you still receive your dividend (if a dividend is approved at the AGM) and benefit from the free loan protection insurance.